The Archbishop Visits TG

Kate Lawless, Editor

On Monday, October 3rd, Archbishop Bernard Hebda of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis attended various classes in the morning and then celebrated mass with TG.

An Archbishop is considered a shepherd of the other bishops and parishes within his area, which is why he symbolically carries a shepherd’s staff.

He attended a Lasallian high school and has a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School. The Archbishop is from Pennsylvania and has lived and worked in Michigan, New York, Rome, and New Jersey.

Principal Broadhead said, “I imagine he has a very difficult job because he has to cater to both the liberal and orthodox, conservative catholics in the St. Paul area.”

Many students said he was kind and sincere and was a great leader in mass. “He came into my Freshman Bible class and asked [the students] about the school and what they liked best about TG. They all said the community and food,” said religion teacher, Ms. Hoss.

Juliana Eisch, a senior, said, “It was interesting to have a different person to come speak to us and get his take on what we’re doing at TG. Like, how he said we should keep faith at the center of our lives.”

The students felt at ease with him. “He comes off as very authentic.” continued Ms. Hoss. The Archbishop told Principal Broadhead that he was impressed with the Totino-Grace programs and its student body.

Archbishop Hebda is an excellent, approachable leader, and the TG community enjoyed hosting and learning from him.