Powder puff snuff

Juniors upset the seniors in last Sunday’s game of Powder Puff.

Amari Jaramillo, Student Writer

Powder Puff is a long tradition we have at Totino-Grace High School. Senior girls versus junior girls coached by football players. 

During homecoming week TG undergoes many fun games and activities as part of the tradition. Ellie Cummings, a senior at TG said, “ I think powder puff is a fun way for girls to come together in friendly competition.”

“I think the competition was very equal in terms of abilities of each team; however, unfortunately, the juniors had a very strong player (Emilie Ling),” Cummings added. The seniors tried all night to devise a plan in which to shut down Ling. But her quickness and ability to run long distances with speed gave her the ultimate advantage.

“It was a tough look for us for sure, but at least everyone had fun and maybe with more planning we could have taken home the win,” said RJ Spencer, TG senior and coach of the senior girls.

Despite losing, many of the girls got to show off their skills. Keira Laney had three touchdowns and Kaitlyn Brandt had one.

“The game was pretty back and forth but at one point we had the upper hand for most of the 2nd half but I think the turning point would be when they recovered a fumble and scored the next play,” said Ryan Nelson, senior coach. “ We could not seem to put it in the endzone or get it to the people we wanted to, it all sort of fell apart,” said Nelson. 

Many would say that the game leaned more to one side, and others would say that the game was ‘rigged’. Even before the game started there has always been the belief that the seniors are favored over the juniors.

Throughout the game, as tempers rose, many seniors believed that the game was in favor of the juniors. “They did not play all their players. Although it isn’t stated in the rules, it is very unethical,” said Eddie Gewedik, senior coach.

The seniors believed that many of the calls against them were false calls. Late in the second half to tie it up, Laney ran a jet sweep, but the ref called Laney out as she raced up the sideline. Eyewitnesses claimed that Keira was not out. Even a few juniors’ faces expressed surprise as maybe they believed she was not out of bounds. 

Unfortunately, the call remained and the Juniors would go on to score two more times to end the game and seal the upset.