How Music Affects Your Brain

January 16, 2018
Music improves brain health and function in many ways. It can make you happier and more productive at any age. This goes for listening music but playing it is even better!
Music has been part of human culture in the past and present. Now with advances in technology, researchers are able to quantitatively measure just how much music affects your brain. People that play any instruments have bigger, more sensitive, and better connected brains. They also have a superior working memory, cognitive flexibility, and auditory skills. The brains of musicians that are responsible for auditory processing, spatial coordination, and motor control are larger.
Music can also boost brain chemicals! Music affects mood by stimulating the formation of certain brain chemicals. Listening to music increases dopamine which is the brains motivation molecule and part of the pleasure-reward system. This is the same chemical that you feel after eating chocolate, working out, from a runner’s high.
Listening one of your favorite songs unexpectedly on shuffle can also trigger a small dopamine boost.
In a bad mood? Stressed out? Listen to some music, it can improve mood and reduce stress! Scientist have proven that music lovers already know that listening to upbeat music can improve mood. Playing or listening to music can reduce chronic stress by lowering the stress hormone cortisol.
Music can make you feel more powerful, hopeful, and in control of your life. It holds so much power and is recommended by scientists. Music helps you get in touch with your feelings and can heal you in ways that some things can’t.