Fishing Club
October 11, 2017
Totino-Grace is known for having many different sports, clubs, and activities students can join. TG students, Jack Eibensteiner and Zach Collins, are working to create a new club for students to join- The Fishing Club. Students in the club will be able to go out and enjoy nature and the beautiful lakes of Minnesota.
Meetings are intended to begin this spring, and to join the club all you will need is a fishing rod. Some members have fishing boats and will take club members out on the lakes. Other times, the Fishing Club will be hosted on the shore.
The Fishing Club will switch up the locations they fish. unless there is a really good spot they might repeat. They will not compete in competitions because those include an entry fee. Zach Collins said, “ That doesn’t mean we won’t have some friendly competitions going.” The Fishing Club will hopefully be cost-free but that is still in the works as of now.
The Fishing Club is currently looking for a supervisor. If there are faculty members interested in supervising the Fishing Club contact Zach Collins. Those interested in joining should also contact Collins.