Busy Week for The E’gals
December 20, 2016
On Thursday, December 8th, the Totino-Grace E’gals Jazz team performed at Champlin Park High School for the Northwest Suburban Conference Meet. The schools who competed were Elk River, Spring Lake Park, Coon Rapids, Totino-Grace, Irondale, Champlin Park, Maple Grove, Osseo, Blaine, Centennial, Robbinsdale Armstrong, Anoka, Andover.
When junior Marie Clysade was asked at the start of the week how they were looking for the competitions this week she said, “Pretty good, coming off of a few wins the past weeks raises the confidence of the girls but we can’t let it get to our heads. It’ll be important for them to do well this Thursday in order to prepare for the competition on Saturday against rival: Benilde-St Margaret’s.”
The E’gals got first place in the Jazz competition on Thursday.
On Saturday, December 10th, the E’gals Varsity and Jazz teams performed at Champlin Park High School for the Eastview Invitational. Totino-Grace competed against Benilde – St. Margaret’s, Sartell St. Stephens, St.Cloud Cathedral, Rocori.
The varsity E’gals got first place in Jazz and second in kick. The JV E’gals got second in Jazz.
Julia Hartwig has high hopes for the team saying that, “The team is continuing to work hard and get better each week.” Brooke Fleming is “very proud of how hard our team has been working and how much we have accomplished.”
The E’gals only have 6 competitions left in the season until state.