Get To Know Your Administration: Mr. Bertz
May 26, 2016
I guarantee that he has opened your locker during your time here at Totino- Grace with a friendly smile. That man is Mr. Ben Bertz who started here six years ago as the Night Maintenance Supervisor, then he became Plant Engineer. Now, he is finally the Lead Plant Engineer. His most memorable moment of his life so far has been getting his thumb nearly torn off in a piece of machinery ten years ago.
Mr. Bertz grew up in Loyal, Wisconsin and attended Loyal High School in Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire, and Hennepin Technical College. While in college he received a BA in Psychology and an AAS in Commercial HVAC/ Refrigeration. Structure, ritual, and consequences for behavior, both good and bad have helped guide him and are important traits that his Catholic faith has taught him. When asked who is favorite Saint is, Mr. Bertz responded, “Saint Bernard, because I like dogs!”
His favorite quote is, “Never tear down a fence before finding out why it was built.” Mr. Bertz’s favorite meal is Thanksgiving turkey with all of the sides His favorite candy is Red vines. Playing on the roof of his house is his favorite memory from when he was little and throughout his whole life, his father has been his biggest role model. His favorite vacation that he has taken in his life has been to the ocean in South Carolina, where he went shrimping with a relative. When Mr. Bertz has a rare day off, he loves to ride his motorcycle outside of the metro.
If you know Mr. Bertz at all, you know that he loves to joke around, when asked what his favorite joke was he replied, “How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but it is a lengthy process and the bulb has to want to change.” If Mr. Bertz won the lottery, he would give some of it away, then “set up some little business to run from afar.” As for his biggest pet peeve, “those who borrow but do not return things.”
If Mr. Bertz could have a dinner party with three people, they would be, “George Washington, Ronald Reagan, and Jesus Christ. If one called in sick, the backup would be Dennis Prager.” When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, he replied, “Someone who did not get car-sick. Luckily that happened when I started driving!” If Mr. Bertz could leave each of you with one piece of advice, it would simply be to be kind to everyone!
Thank you so much Mr. Bertz for your time and willingness to help, you are a major blessing to TG!