CW’s The Flash Review
May 5, 2016
When you hear The Flash, what comes to your mind? I’m willing to bet it had something to do with a comic book character. Nothing against comic books or their fans, but it tends to be a rather isolated stronghold of super fans that make this industry so successful.
It is quite rare when something comes along that can truly bring that industry into a broader scope. This is exactly what has happened with the CW series The Flash.
As someone who has never been an avid comics person and only really became a casual fan when movies such as Spider-Man began to become box office hits, I felt rather uneasy about how invested this show could make me feel. Going in inexperienced with comics can be tough, feeling like you’re missing something very important, but in The Flash you are never once left feeling that way. On top of not excluding the casual fans they also draw in the diehards with fantastic references to the source material that leave many anticipating how they will bring this onto the small screen.
The way the show does this is quite well thought out. Utilizing Season 1 as a way to introduce everyone to this world focusing just on Barry Allen they laid the groundwork for what has been in even more impressive Season 2. Introducing both Jay Garrick and Wally West to the show has now brought them to the point where all of the flash’s comics storylines are at their disposal. The writers are showing they aren’t afraid of tackling these big ideas eather. The way they have brought in Zoom, Reverse Flash, and the classic comic idea of infinite earths is keeping the door open for a long run on television which many comic based shows cannot say they have been able to accomplish.
Of course this is not without its risks. The lack of finality approach being taken by the show is paying off well so far, but with comic fans being as volatile as they are when it comes to somethings success they need to be careful of avoiding becoming too repetitive. Recycling the same general storyline while just changing some roles or details is one thing beginning to pop up just comparing the first two seasons.
At this point the best bet is to trust in the show for now. With its good mix of character personalities they have a very entertaining way of presenting multiple styles to how this show works. In particular the Henry Allen and Harrison Wells characters do this so well. Watching them converse can sometimes make the episode worth watching by itself.
As I said the show has future risks they have to deal with, but there is now show on the air that does not have those problems. Right now is what matters, and right now is a great time to start watching and get yourself all caught up for the Season 2 finale which seems destined to deliver!