Matt Olson
March 14, 2016
On February 21st Matt Olson, a TG graduate and hockey defenseman, suffered a serious spinal cord injury while doing what he loves most. While playing in a game for the Chicago Cougars, Matt went into the boards after supposedly catching an edge while racing for the puck in the first period.
Unfortunately, Matt’s injury resulted in permanent damage. Matt is currently at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital which is rated as the best trauma hospital in the country, their rehabilitation center is near the top as well. Matt will be in Chicago for quite a long time as he recovers as best as he can from this injury.
Mr. Loahr, Matt’s former coach of four years, recently had the opportunity to visit Matt and his family in Chicago. When asked about his visit Mr. Loahr said, “It was a difficult experience to visit him in the hospital. To see him in the hospital bed with the breathing tubes and all the other machines and monitors was very sad. I knew he was being sedated to ease the pain he was experiencing so I didn’t know if I’d really be able to communicate with him, but when I came into the room, his mom told him I was there and he was able to smile a little. He could answer questions with a raise of his eyebrows for yes and down for no, so I could at least say a few things to him over the 2 days I was there. His family was sad but not feeling sorry for themselves. They see this as an unfortunate accident that now has changed their lives. It simply must be dealt with as best as possible to make Matt’s life as good as can be expected.”
As both a student and a player Matt could be described as a quiet kid but always interested, well mannered, polite, honest and above all, a caring person. Matt is the type of person to never give up, he is not a quitter. It is Matt’s positive attitude that will help him to overcome this tremendous obstacle in his life.
Matt is going to need support his whole life. As a community of faith it is our job to come together and not just talk about our faith, but LIVE it. Matt’s GoFundMe page is up and running and donations can be made on the following website, Also, people can make a direct donation to the Matt Olson Benefit Account at North American Banking Company. Donations can be deposited at the North American Banking Company location or you can wire funds directly to the Matt Olson Benefit Account. Please contact North American Banking Company at 651-636-9654 with questions and for account information. The bank is located at 2230 Albert Street in Roseville. People can donate silent auction items for the April 2 Totino-Grace boys hockey fundraiser in support of Matt Olson. Donations can be delivered to Totino-Grace.
Continue to keep Matt and his family in your prayers, they need our help now more than ever. Be sure to Follow Matt’s progress on his Caring Bridge page,