Now that school is back in session, extracurricular activities resume. While sports are usually the main excitement, the arts extracurriculars are often set aside and ignored.
Here at Totino-Grace, theater is one of the primary ways that a student can participate in the arts.
There are four main ways to help to participate in Totino-Grace Theater. The first is by acting in the show. This may be the most known way to get involved with a theater program and is definitely a necessary part of putting a show together.
One TG actor, Lucas Lord, explained how he began early and has stuck with it. “I first heard about it in elementary school,” Lord commented. “I was pretty bored and didn’t have much going on, so I decided to give it a try.” Lord’s story shows the importance of trying something new, even with the knowledge that you might not like it.
Lord further offered advice to Totino-Grace students. “Theater is a chance to make new friends. Try it out. Even if the first show does not go well, give it one more shot. My first show was an absolute disaster, but the second one went way better.” Trying something new may be challenging and scary, but Lord encourages students to be brave and persistent.
One of the lesser known – but arguably most important – roles in theater is tech crew. Tech crew is treated as more of a job than acting is, but it definitely provides one with a lot of experience.

Lucy Van House, a member of TG tech crew, explained, “There’s a lot that goes on in Tech Crew. You know you did a lot even though the audience does not always realize it.”
Amongst members of the tech crew, there seems to be a common occurring theme. Many seem to be apprehensive about singing in the show. This frequent concern has led most of them to try something new and join tech crew.
This reinforces the idea that there are ways for students of different talents to get involved.
Along with Lord, Van House also shared a piece of advice. “Consider crew. We could always use more hands. Don’t be scared. No one really knows what they’re doing [at first].” This important piece of advice goes to show that you can help out, even if you have little or no experience.
There are a few other ways that one can help support and get involved with the Totino-Grace theater program. If you play an instrument, joining the pit orchestra (band) might be a fun and promising option for you.
Unfortunately, pit orchestra is only involved in the fall musical, but it is just as fun as any other role in the theater.
The final way to participate in TG Theater is simple: come and watch the show. After all, what better way is there to get involved than to come and support your friends.
Mary Poppins shows from November 2nd through November 5th. If you are not able to help with the fall musical, Finding Nemo premieres in the spring.