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Why there is conflict in Israel

Will there ever be an ending to this madness?
Why there is conflict in Israel

The Palestine Arabs and Israel Jews don’t like each other but one must get to a deeper level to find how Israeli and Palestinian hate became in 1947. 

It goes back to the end of World War II. After the Allied forces beat the Axis, there were millions of displaced Jews in what was Nazi Germany. The Jews had nowhere to go, so the assembly of the United Nations voted to split Palestine, a country on the southeast side of the Mediterranean Sea, into an Arab state and a Jewish state.

Almost all the Jews in Palestine liked the plan and went to accept the plan.

Some of the more extreme Jewish groups, like the Irgun, hated the plan and asked for rejection for more land for the Jewish people but were not given more. Irgun’s primary mission is to turn Palestine and some parts of Jordan into an independent Jewish state.

The Arab leadership argued that it violated the rights of the majority of the people in Palestine, which led to a war within the state.

Ever since 1947, Israel has been in on-and-off wars. Even when there aren’t wars, there are protests, hate groups, and no sort of peace between Israelis and Palestinians in Israel. 

A view shows houses and buildings destroyed by Israeli strikes in Gaza City, October 10, 2023. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY (REUTERS)

Since Israel was founded in 1947, the surrounding Arabian countries made up of Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Jordan have been trying to take down the country and return it back to an Arabian state. 

Israel has been invaded seven times, and it has been a country only since 1948. It was invaded in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006, and 2023 and as we speak, Israel has been invaded. To put it into perspective, the United States has been a country since 1776 and has only been invaded twice.

Still, they cannot attack Israel, or else the United States will intervene and run them dry of materials. So Israel hate groups are formed by people in the surrounding countries who just despise Israel’s Jewish presence in the land.

Two main ones are Hamas, a terrorist group in the Gaza strip, and the group that calls themselves warriors of God, Hezbollah. Hezbollah regularly hurts and invades the people of Israel’s privacy all the time.  

With all this hatred towards one another, how can a country come in unison in one?

English/Theology teacher Bill Vance believes a big part of why we have not seen peace in Israel is the media divides us into two sides. 

That is why he shows his students a movie in class about Palestinian kids and Israeli kids that live within miles of each other; the movie shows us how they live in their day-to-day lives. 

But the one-day interview asks them how they feel about the other side. The interview takes the Palestinian and Israeli kids to talk to each other for one day.

Before they meet each other, the Palestinian kids say slurs about Israeli kids and Israeli kids say slurs about Palestinian kids. The kids found out they had more in common, and then they became friends quickly.

Mr. Vance thought people are persuaded by the media and create false stereotypes about one another and divide us. He gave great advice

 “Meet people before you can talk about who they are”.   


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